Are you really seeing what is there?

Yesterday, I mentioned honoring my purpose in the things that I do each day. The reason this came about is that I have read the book Breaking the Money Barriers two times. I am on my third reading. It came to my attention that I was not fully participating in what I...

Are you honoring your purpose?

I have been immersed in the Breaking the Money Barriers Program for less than two weeks and have been learning tons. It is amazing how you can go through the exercises and not fully participate. Each day I have been going through my morning ritual but I have not been...

What is a plan worth?

I usually think of myself as quick and smart. However, lately I am not so sure. Today, I am truly realizing the value of a plan. Yesterday, I laid out my plan or productivity schedule for the week. With doing that, I know how I should be spending my week and when I am...